[nsp] While where on the topic of 6500 series.

Charlie Winckless CharlieW at netarch.com
Wed Jul 16 10:19:28 EDT 2003

Hash: SHA1

> On Tuesday, July 15, 2003, at 06:43  PM, Robert A. Hayden wrote:

> > there if need be.  Mostly I find CatOS a better interface for
> > Layer2 management than IOS.

Except for when you want to troubleshoot via just the config. I've
always found IOS more friendly than CatOS for that, and Cisco is
working to make the IOS a lot easier to use with things like the
interface range commands.
> Maybe not a technical point, but I love native just for presenting
> a  common CLI for the entry level folks.  Not to mention, I find 
> it a bit 
> easier to see all the changes showing up in RANCID reports, not
> just  changes to VLAN interfaces.
This has been a huge thing with some of our customers. Managing
two configs and learning another OS for their core switches has
been ... interesting.

The biggest gotcha that I've seen is that -- even with recent 
IOS and RPR+ -- a switch in hybrid mode will fail over from a
supervisor failure almost an order of magnitude faster than 
one in native mode. In single switch core/distribution type
models, this has been a killer for native mode.

<Much snippage>

- -- Charlie

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