[nsp] IOS 12.3(1a)

Srdjan Simic srdjan at sezampro.yu
Mon Jul 28 10:02:16 EDT 2003

   Hm, I cannot find this "Output Interpreter tool", nor URLs that are links
to the bug descriptions. I get 403 forbidden, and I am registered user.
Never the less, since we are using VoIP, and Fax calls are rare, my best bet
is the CSCea10446. Can someone try to look it up please.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ejay Hire [mailto:ejay.hire at isdn.net]
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 5:01 PM
To: Srdjan Simic; cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: RE: [nsp] IOS 12.3(1a)

Hi all.  Apologies if this comes through as html, I'm stuck on webmail for
now...  When you get errors like this, Copy and paste them into the "Ouptut
Interpreter Tool" on cisco.com with a show ver.  It came back with a few
interesting things, the most relevant of which I've pasted below.
INFO: The loaded IOS image is supported on the 3640 platform.
The failure was caused by a software defect.

Possible bug matches are listed below.  Bugs with a score of .90 or more
are the most likely candidates:

Score	 Bugid 	Status 	Fixed In 	Duplicate 	Title 	
0.89	 CSCeb18281
mit=Search> 	 R	 12.3(3.1)T 12.3(2.2)	 None	 c4224 restarted by
a SegV exception at pc ... 	
0.89	 CSCea10446
mit=Search> 	 R	 12.2(15)ZK 12.2(15)ZJ1 12.2(11)T9 12.2(15)ZJ
12.3(0.5)B 12.3(0.5)T 12.3(0.4) 12.2(15)T1 12.3(0.3) 12.3(0.2)	 None
3640 memory corruption with VoIP T38 fax calls	 
0.62	 CSCeb57231
mit=Search> 	 O	 	None	 Fast-Switched cRTP not functioning
on NM-HD-2VE channel-group	 
0.62	 CSCdz86970
mit=Search> 	 I	 	None	 Bus error crash on 3640 with
0.62	 CSCeb45793
mit=Search> 	 D	 	CSCea07154
mit=Search> 	 c2650xm resarted by a SegV exception	 
0.62	 CSCeb63310
mit=Search> 	 A	 	None	 Bus Error
-----Original Message----- 
From: Srdjan Simic [mailto:srdjan at sezampro.yu] 
Sent: Sat 7/26/2003 5:26 PM 
To: Dennis Peng 
Cc: cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net 
Subject: RE: [nsp] IOS 12.3(1a)

	   It did occur on more or less constant basis, but now I cannot
reproduce it and I did not see it in the last hour. Here is the show ver.
One other thing changed when we switched to eh new ios. The show caller ip
command stoped showint callerID, and we are sertain that there is caller id,
because the radius on the same router correctly receives and sends callerid
.. After show ver, there is an example of show caller ip:
	Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
	IOS (tm) 3600 Software (C3640-IS-M), Version 12.3(1a), RELEASE
	Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.
	Compiled Thu 05-Jun-03 18:55 by dchih
	Image text-base: 0x60008950, data-base: 0x61B28000
	ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.1(19)AA, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE
	ROM: 3600 Software (C3640-IS-M), Version 12.2(8)T,  RELEASE SOFTWARE
	Cisco3640 uptime is 1 day, 13 hours, 31 minutes
	System returned to ROM by reload at 10:33:44 CEST Fri Jul 25 2003
	System restarted at 10:39:59 CEST Fri Jul 25 2003
	System image file is "ftp://ftpserver/c3640-is-mz.123-1a.bin"
	cisco 3640 (R4700) processor (revision 0x00) with 73728K/24576K
bytes of memory.
	Processor board ID 10315034
	R4700 CPU at 100Mhz, Implementation 33, Rev 1.0
	Bridging software.
	X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
	SuperLAT software (copyright 1990 by Meridian Technology Corp).
	1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
	1 Serial network interface(s)
	8 Voice FXO interface(s)
	4 Voice FXS interface(s)
	DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled.
	125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
	16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
	Configuration register is 0x392F
	Cisco3640#sh caller ip
	  Line           User       IP Address      Local Number    Remote
Number   <->
	  Se0/0          -   -               -
	  Vi6            sotonit   -               -
	  Vi7            biler at world \
	                            125.251.30..81   -               -
	  Vi10           vukgrmusa  125.251.30..56   -               -
	        -----Original Message-----
	        From: Dennis Peng [mailto:dpeng at cisco.com]
	        Sent: sub 7/26/2003 1:56
	        To: Srdjan Simic
	        Cc: cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
	        Subject: Re: [nsp] IOS 12.3(1a)
	        Can you send me "show version" so the traceback can be
decoded? Does
	        this pretty much occur on a consistent basis? Thanks.
	        Srdjan Simic [srdjan at sezampro.yu] wrote:
	        >    Hello,
	        >    We upgraded today to 12.3(1a) from 12.2(8)T on 3640,
and after that
	        > occasionally we notices the following messages (the router
is used for VPDN
	        > and VOIP). What is this?:
	        > Jul 25 10:56:47: %SYS-2-LINKED: Bad enqueue of 633B6F80 in
queue 62DAE3A4
	        > -Process= "<interrupt level>", ipl= 4
	        > -Traceback= 604EB5B8 604D1710 61710C50 6171BC4C 6152BA4C
6153D3A0 61379C04
	        > 61379E08 6137A244 613709F0
	        > Jul 25 11:03:49: %SYS-2-LINKED: Bad enqueue of 633B70B8 in
queue 62DAE3A4
	        > -Process= "<interrupt level>", ipl= 4
	        > -Traceback= 604EB5B8 604D1710 61710C50 6171BC4C 6152BA4C
6153D3A0 61379C04
	        > 61379E08 6137A244 613709F0
	        > Jul 25 11:15:13: %SYS-2-LINKED: Bad enqueue of 633B6AA0 in
queue 62DAE3A4
	        > -Process= "<interrupt level>", ipl= 4
	        > -Traceback= 604EB5B8 604D1710 61710C50 6171BC4C 6152BA4C
6153D3A0 61379C04
	        > 61379E08 6137A244 613709F0
	        > Jul 25 11:24:21: %SYS-2-LINKED: Bad enqueue of 633B6830 in
queue 62DAE3A4
	        > -Process= "<interrupt level>", ipl= 4
	        > -Traceback= 604EB5B8 604D1710 61710C50 6171BC4C 6152BA4C
6153D3A0 61379C04
	        > 61379E08 6137A244 613709F0
	        >    Regards Srdjan Simic
	        >    CTO
	        >    SezamPro On-Line
	        >    http://www.sezampro.yu
	        >    Tel&Fax: +381 11 3227-231
	        > _______________________________________________
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