[nsp] Gigabit Ethernet over SDH/Sonet

Eoin Kenny eoin.kenny at heanet.ie
Thu Mar 6 17:06:40 EST 2003

Hi all,
I am trying to bring up a new point to point Gigabit Ethernet leased 
line from a service provider for over a week now, without any luck!!
The set up is as follows:

GSR ----Optera Metro DWDM ring ----Ethernet over SDH ring-----Optera 
Metro DWDM ring -----GSR

We  have existing GE circuits working over the DWDM rings without any 
problems. I also get local loop on my GSRs when the provider puts a 
local software loop on the Optera equipment. The new element to our 
usual setup is the EoSDH ring.

I am using 1000Base SX Gbics in the GSRs and the providers equipment is 
an Nortel STM64 ring with EoSDH cards, using GFP (generic framing protocol).
Does anyone have any advice/experience of using GE Gbics with Etherent 
over SDH equipment? Or any suggestions on what may be wrong?

Thanks for your help.


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