[nsp] Booting an MSFC from sup-slot0:

Clinton Work work at scripty.com
Tue May 20 12:15:09 EDT 2003

I can confirm that its possible to boot a full IOS image directly
from bootflash without requiring a bootloader. I tested this on a MSFC2
with IOS 12.1(13)E4. My understanding is that MSFC1's always require
a bootloader image to start.

Some of the original MSFC2s were shipped with 16MB of bootflash. You
can order P/N WS-X6K-MSFC2-KIT= in order to upgrade the flash to 32mb. Some
of the latest 12.1 PK2SV images require 32mb to fit both a bootloader
and IOS image into bootflash.

On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 05:57:19PM +0100, Martin Cooper wrote:
> On the MSFC2 at least (not sure if you meant 'MSFC' generically or
> specifically'), I believe it is possible to boot an IOS image from
> the bootflash directly, without requiring a boot loader (which gets
> round the problem of not enough memory for bootloader + IOS image).

Clinton Work                                        clinton at scripty.com
Calgary, Alberta

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