[nsp] E1 channel group timeslot error: %Insufficient resources to create channel group

rbosire at uunet.co.ke rbosire at uunet.co.ke
Wed Oct 1 10:08:30 EDT 2003

Hello Justin

On Wednesday 01 October 2003 04:40 pm, Streiner, Justin wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 rbosire at uunet.co.ke wrote:
> > Anyone knows what will be causing  these error while creating a channel
> > group on 7206 vxr  [ npe-400] with  12.0(24)S2 ( service provider)
> I'm guessing you're using a PA-MC-8E1?

that is correct

> According to a data sheet on that card, it supports up to 128 usable Nx64k
> channels per card.  If you're doing lots of subrate circuits, such as 64k
> circuits into a channelized E1, it's possible to hit that limit before the
> card is fully populated.

Actually I have  reached 128 channel groups on this PA. 
Is this a software feature that can changed or I have get another PA-MC-8E1?

> I don't have experience with the E1 cards specifically, and I don't know
> if that data sheet is still valid, but I suspect it is.
> jms
> > gw-1(config)#controller E1 3/5
> > gw-1(config-controller)#chan
> > gw-1(config-controller)#channel-group 4 tim
> > gw-1(config-controller)#channel-group 4 timeslots 5-16
> > %Insufficient resources to create channel group  <===== error message
> > gw-1(config-controller)#

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