[nsp] Rate limit question...

Johan M. Andersen johan at columbia.edu
Thu Oct 30 09:19:08 EST 2003

> I have a situation where we have a few bandwidth hogs doing chewing up a 
> remote site that has a limited amount of bandwidth.  Most of this is day 
> time desktop back-ups to the main site.  I have been able to successfully 
> rate limit the individuals but there is a /23 of address space there and I 
> don't want to creat a new limit statement for each user !!!! 
> My question is... is there a way to apply a rate limit that will limit 
> each user to a certain level of unfetterd bandwidth and then drop them 
> into a lower priority que?  I know I can do this with individual 
> statements and I know that I can do this for a blosk (but the rules and 
> limits are applied to the block itself as an aggregate and not 
> individually...).  

Depending on your resources (in terms of time and an additional computer to
run stuff on), take a look at FlowMonitor
which is a netflow based system for enforcing bandwidth quotas for
individual IPs.

[plug plug plug :)]

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