[nsp] RBE aggregation issues

Bruce Robertson bruce at greatbasin.net
Thu Oct 30 13:00:27 EST 2003

Hang in there with the RBE; it's really the way to go.  Here are some things
you might want to try:

Upgrade to IOS 12.2(19a).  This may solve some bugs, etc.

Add this to your configuration to avoid the problem with losing DHCP
on reboots.  This will save your DHCP database every 60 seconds, and the
router will reload it on reboot.  You can adjust the period if you want it
more or less often than 60 seconds.

ip ftp username cisco
ip ftp password <some-password>
ip dhcp database ftp://x.x.x.x/dhcp.leases write-delay 60

Bruce Robertson, President/CEO				     +1-775-348-7299
Great Basin Internet Services, Inc.			fax: +1-775-348-9412

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