[nsp] Source of 7200 flash card?

jlewis at lewis.org jlewis at lewis.org
Wed Apr 21 22:55:18 EDT 2004

On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, Matti Saarinen wrote:

>  Well, it depends. I have here two old 7206s on which the compact
>  flash cards worked with the adapter. The suddenly every operation
>  tried on the flash card crashed the router. It was sufficient just to
>  insert the cf+adapter into the PCMCIA slot.

As long as we're mentioning weird issues....
I've found that a CF card formatted and loaded up with IOS images in one
7206 may not fully work in a second 7206.  I'd prepared a card in a test
router at my desk and then put it in a production router in a POP.  The
production router apparently could not fully read the card.  IOS loaded,
but lots of functions did not work.  When I tried reading a copy of the
config I'd saved on the card using the test router, I got a read error.  I
was able for format the flash on the production router, re-tftp the IOS
image to it, and reload.  It's run fine since then...and I no longer try
using CF's formatted in other routers.  They get installed, formatted,
loaded with IOS, and then used.

 Jon Lewis *jlewis at lewis.org*|  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
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