[c-nsp] Wanted: Picture of working 7609 - Reward if found

Neil J. McRae neil at COLT.NET
Thu Aug 19 03:51:11 EDT 2004


Joke subject aside this is a serious question:

I was wondering if people could comment on the quality
issues around the 7609. We seem to have a large number of
problems with these boxes, some software, a lot hardware
issues, DOA, a lot of hardware failures, random cards rebooting. 
The box has a fantastic set of features and when its working
its excellent.

We have less than 20 and a considerable larger amount of 
7200 and 7500 routers and we haven't seen anywhere near
the same number of issues with those platforms [particularly
on the hardware side] that we see with the 7609. We also use
6509's and again these seem to be more robust. Any feedback


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