[nsp] cisco 6500 sup1a w/ pfc+msfc: VLAN-based rate-limiting
problem ?!
Alexander Lucke
lucke at dns-net.de
Sat Jan 3 15:04:24 EST 2004
we operate a Cisco 6500 with dual-Sup1A/PFC+MSFC layer3 distribution switch
(IOS mode) with some Cisco 3548 rack switches (connected via gigachannel to
the 6500) in a data center environment.
Upstream <-----[6500]===(gigachannel)===[3548]-----> Servers
I need to limit the upstream traffic for specific customers (i.e. all the
servers in one VLAN). I read a lot of documentation and tried everything I
found including PFC QoS (policy-maps).
Of course both incoming and outgoing would be nice, but I also read that most
things only work with incoming traffic. As we talk about a server farm, most
traffic is outgoing (i.e. incoming for the switch). So limiting the incoming
bandwidth of a port/vlan would be enough.
The problem is that I can configure it but it doesn't work.
Let's look at the configuration:
The gigachannel ports of the 6500 are configured as dot1Q-trunk layer2
interface Port-channel1
no ip address
mls qos vlan-based
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk allowed vlan 200-209,213-215,217,218,220,221
switchport mode trunk
interface GigabitEthernet1/2
no ip address
mls qos statistics-export
mls qos vlan-based
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk allowed vlan 200-209,213-215,217,218,220,221
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 1 mode on
interface GigabitEthernet2/2
no ip address
mls qos statistics-export
mls qos vlan-based
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk allowed vlan 200-209,213-215,217,218,220,221
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 1 mode on
I set up a police map:
class-map match-any cmap-vlan217
match access-group name acl-vlan217
policy-map pmap-fixed-1M
class cmap-vlan217
police aggregate qos-fix1M
mls flow ip full
mls flow ipx destination
mls nde sender
mls qos statistics-export interval 120
mls qos statistics-export aggregate-policer qos-fix2M
mls qos statistics-export class-map cmap-vlan217
mls qos statistics-export destination xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx syslog facility
local6 severity info
mls qos statistics-export
mls qos aggregate-policer qos-fix1M 1000000 62000 conform-action
transmit exceed-action drop
mls qos
the access list matches all:
ip access-list standard acl-vlan217
permit any
The I attached the policy-map to the it to the customer vlan:
interface Vlan217
description #### customer servers ####
ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
ip access-group CUSTOMER-IN in
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
ip route-cache flow
service-policy input pmap-fixed-1M
When I do a "sh mls qos ip", I see that no traffic matches my class-map:
colo-sw1.berlin1#sh mls qos ip
In QoS Summary [IP]: (* - shared aggregates, F - install error)
Int Class-map DSCP AgId Trust FlId AgForward-Pk
AgPoliced-Pkts Last-See
Vl217 cmap-vlan 0 4* - 0 0
0 0x0
All Default 0 0* No 0 1738971263
0 0x9A75D3
Is there a configuration error or is vlan-based policing only supported with
PFC2 and above?
I was thinking about using the following hack: If it would not work with a
vlan interface but with a layer3 interface with my hardware, I could
physically connect two ports of my 6500 switch (let's say fasteth3/1 and
fasteth3/2) and do something like that:
int fasteth3/1
desc #### layer2 vlan member - physically connected to fe3/2 ####
switchport access vlan 217
int fasteth3/2
desc #### layer3 upstream port - physically connected to fe3/1 ####
ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
ip access-group CUSTOMER-IN in
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
ip route-cache flow
service-policy input pmap-fixed-1M
which would be a hack (I did not think about spanning tree yet but it should
be no problem to connect that two ports) but which should work.
For testing whether rate limiting works with a layer3 port or not, I did the
I tried to attach the policy map to a layer3 interface which seemed to work
(the "sh mls qos ip" counters incremented) but my mrtg graph (and also a "sh
int fasteth x/y") still showed much more than 1 Mbps (about 4 Mbps, which was
normal for that port) incoming traffic on that port?!
So I'm a little confused now. Can anyone help with the configuration?
Alexander Lucke
DNS:NET Internet Service GmbH, Ostseestraße 111, 10409 Berlin
Tel. 030-420278-22, Fax 030-420278-78, lucke at dns-net.de
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