[nsp] policy routing / CEF-IP-POLICY: fib for address10.209.254.254 is with flag 0

Kinczli Zoltán Zoltan.Kinczli at Synergon.hu
Wed Jan 21 11:35:16 EST 2004


  yes..., sorry i was not accurate enough. All i wrote applies to non-adjacent next-hops
as you correctly pointed out

  BGP and CEF have their own, periodic checker/updater, PBR hasn't. 

  I hope the rest is correct... at least my signature is ;)


-----Original Message-----
From: Gert Doering [mailto:gert at greenie.muc.de]
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 5:24 PM
To: Kinczli Zoltán
Cc: Gert Doering; cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [nsp] policy routing / CEF-IP-POLICY: fib for
address10.209.254.254 is with flag 0


On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 05:14:29PM +0100, Kinczli Zolt?n wrote:
>   Some time ago, i met the same problem. A TAC engineer told me, that 'set ip next-hop' was there
> to manipulate the BGP attribute, not the 'forwarding address' while policy routing.

Yes and no.  

Yes, this is used for BGP next-hop manipulation, too.

But no, it's not used *exclusively* for that - "set ip next-hop" works fine
if the next-hop is directly adjacent.  (I tried that).

>   I think the reason behind is that it would require recursive resolution of the non-adjacent next hop, so all the policy-routing would have to be revised when there is a topo change/adjacency change.

The CEF adjacency is there, so at least with CEF, there is not much that
needs to be done.  It's just basic CEF forwarding... - not different from
a BGP route with a non-adjacent next-hop (which works well).

But thanks for your comment, it means "yes, this is a known issue".

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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                             gert at greenie.muc.de
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