[nsp] Router running out of memory

Łukasz Bromirski lbromirski at mr0vka.eu.org
Wed Jul 7 03:34:15 EDT 2004

Krzysztof Adamski wrote:

 > No NAT on the router, the worm is scanning for port 135, I can't
 > block that since they are using it.

Well, for starters, show us first few lines from
`show processes memory sorted' when the router is going to run out
of memory. Also it would be wise to upgrade the software to release
that will support CEF on 802.1Q trunks. It's quite possible that
Your IOS experiences some memory leak from SNMP or something else.

Also, the basic things like CDP, HTTP, source route etc. are off?

this space was intentionally left blank    |          Łukasz Bromirski
you can insert your favourite quote here   |      lukasz:bromirski,net

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