[nsp] dns forwarding

Roger grunky at rockriver.net
Wed Jul 7 14:44:47 EDT 2004

Mark Persiko wrote:

>You might want to check Cisco's online documentation for NAT/PAT, which
>is quite good.
>Or, you might want to set up a Linux box whose sole purpose in life is
>to run caching-only DNS.  This would be good for the router (less
>network load from having to serve lookups) and for your clients
>(dedicated box will give faster performance.)
I agree w/ most on changing the dns at the dhcp server.

However, the customer brought up a good point.  If they change ISPs all 
the new ISP needs to do is put in a new router, set to relay dns 
requests, and zero configuration needs to be changed at the client end 
or dhcp server.  With the CPE router relaying dns they don't need to 
change anything at all internally thus reducing costs/complexity while 
retaining ISP portability, ie don't give a damn what dns servers they 
have - just point to the local gateway.

Yes I think a nat/pat solution is in the works.

Rock River Internet                          Roger Grunkemeyer
202 W. State St, 8th Floor                grunky at rockriver.net
Rockford, IL 61101                           815-968-9888 x102

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