[nsp] Cisco 7200 Lockup

Adam Debus adam-lists at reachone.com
Sun Jul 11 12:08:44 EDT 2004


    Recently we put a Cisco 7206VXR NPE-400 IOS 12.2.24 into service running
about 550 DSL customers, 18 Mbps of upstream, 5 BGP sessions (1 external, 4
internal), OSPF, RIP, and a couple client T1s. It's been running fine for
about a month, no problems. Memory usage is down around 180 of 512 MB, CPU
usage is at about 10%.

    Suddenly yesterday morning it locked up hard. It stopped passing traffic
on all interfaces, and did not respond to the console. I rebooted it, no
crashfile existed in the bootflash. It came back up fine, and ran with no
problems for about 17 hours. Then it did it again. This time, before I
rebooted it, I upgraded the IOS on the flash card to 12.2.24a, I don't know
if that's going to fix it or not, I suspect no.

    My question, however, is this: Does this look to be more of a hardware
failure, or am I on the right track upgrading the IOS? (Unfortunately, due
to a signifigant amount of politics beyond my control, this router is not
covered under smartnet at this time :( )

Adam Debus
Network Engineer, ReachONE Internet
adam at reachone.com

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