[c-nsp] Mac address accounting on Cisco 6509

Nicolas DEFFAYET nicolas.deffayet at ndsoftware.net
Sat Jul 31 14:51:05 EDT 2004


I want graph traffic of peers on an IX.

I have configured the router (Cisco 6509 - 12.2(14)ZA7) like this

c6k#sh run int FastEthernet4/4
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 303 bytes
interface FastEthernet4/4
 ip address <cut>
 no ip redirects
 no ip unreachables
 no ip proxy-arp
 ip accounting mac-address input
 ip accounting mac-address output
 logging event link-status
 duplex full
 speed 100
 ipv6 nd suppress-ra
 no cdp enable

I have configured MRTG and it pool correctly the router.

The problem is that MRTG show a traffic of 4000 bps/s for a peer that
have a traffic of more than 20 Mbps/s.

If i try to get data with command 'sh int FastEthernet4/4
mac-accounting', i get not correct data (the interface have a traffic of
more than 30 Mbps/s.

c6k#sh int FastEthernet4/4 mac-accounting
  Input  (489 free)
                  Total:  55962 packets, 5429077 bytes
  Output  (482 free)
                  Total:  21456 packets, 3810965 bytes
<wait 2 seconds>
c6k#sh int FastEthernet4/4 mac-accounting
  Input  (489 free)
                  Total:  55992 packets, 5432601 bytes
  Output  (482 free)
                  Total:  21467 packets, 3815239 bytes

How i can fix this problem ?


Best Regards,

Nicolas DEFFAYET, NDSoftware
NDSoftware IP Network: http://www.ip.ndsoftware.net/
FNIX6 (French National Internet Exchange IPv6): http://www.fnix6.net/

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