[nsp] NewRoot and Topology change traps problems

Alexandra Alvarado aaaa at telconet.net
Tue Jun 15 17:02:02 EDT 2004


I have a strange problem:

I have configured the spanning tree protocol in the cisco switches cat 3550 of my work:

spanning-tree mode pvst

The spanning tree works ok, but suddenly I have some topology changes or newroot,
that is why I configured a linux trap snmp server too, to recept messages about stp protocol, 
[newroot, topology changes] I know that the mib I have to enable in the switch is
de BRIDGE MIB like this:

snmp-server enable traps bridge

and I also have to say who is de trap snmp server like this:

snmp-server host ip_address key bridge

I can receive other kind of traps, even when I added de STPX MIB in the switch I got loopguard
traps messages, but I cannot receive nothing about topology changes and newroot.

Can somebody to help me to solve my problem.  What am I doing wrong?


Alexandra Alvarado

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