[nsp] question on BGP

E.B. Dreger eddy+public+spam at noc.everquick.net
Sun May 2 16:54:03 EDT 2004

LI> Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 11:11:03 -0300
LI> From: Lucas Iglesias

LI> It's absolutely possible, we have the same issue and it has
LI> been working fine for the last 3 years. The only issue is, as
LI> you 've said, that advertisements form one office won't be
LI> seen on the other one.

Unless one uses "neighbor x.x.x.x allowas-in".

EverQuick Internet - http://www.everquick.net/
A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - http://www.brotsman.com/
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