[nsp] HSRP vs. GLBP on sup720

Michael Sinatra michael at rancid.berkeley.edu
Mon May 10 20:38:57 EDT 2004


I searched the archives, but didn't find much, so...

Is anyone running GLBP (cisco Gateway Load Balancing Protocol, the 
"enhanced HSRP") in a production environment?  I am currently designing 
a high-availability network for a data center, and the routing is via 
6500/sup720s running the latest recommended IOS release for the sup720. 
  Those releases support both GLBP and HSRP and I have been reading the 
docs on GLBP and it sounds like an improvement over HSRP, especially 
since it provides the load-sharing capabilities.

I am concerned about the newness of the protocol overall and its very 
recent implementation on the 720.  However, all other things being 
equal, GLBP sounds superior to HSRP, so I'd like to try to implement it, 
but I'd like to sample some experiences first.  Obviously, I share the 
healthy skepticism of anything brand new in IOS.

thanks in advance,

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