[nsp] Problems with half bridge PVC

Alastair Johnson alastair.johnson at maxnet.co.nz
Wed May 12 01:44:11 EDT 2004


Since migration from one POP to another last week - which
included a switch to another router - I've been having some
problems with a half bridge ATM PVC.

Basically, for the most part, traffic flows fine across the
circuit, including 1500b (and larger) pings.

However, I can't telnet to the device on the remote site -
I get to the cisco Username: prompt and can't type anything.
I can however press return and get a new username prompt.

Enabling telnet line mode does work around this problem
so I can still get into the remote device.

Simultaneously, customers on the other end of this circuit
have problems sending emails with attachments, or browsing
SSL websites.


cr01.akl1 - 7507, 12.0(26)S, ATM side

interface ATM4/0/0.266 multipoint
 description Router: CR01.HLZ1 via 2M TCL ATM (IVC407-298)
 mtu 1500
 bandwidth 2048
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 no ip proxy-arp
 ip route-cache same-interface
 ip ospf network broadcast
 ip policy route-map netguardian
 atm pvc 266 0 266 aal5snap bridge 2261 2261 oam 30
 no atm enable-ilmi-trap

cr01.hlz1: cisco 2620, IOS 12.2(16)

interface FastEthernet0/0.266
 description Router: 2Mbps PVC to CR01.AKL1 via TelstraCLEAR IPExpress (IVC407298)
 bandwidth 2048
 encapsulation dot1Q 266
 ip address
 ip wccp web-cache redirect out
 ip ospf network broadcast

The telco delievrs it as a 2261k ABR (originally - they've tried
switching it to vbr-nrt to see if that helped.. it didn't) PVC
to cr01.akl1.  The Ethernet side is delivered as a 10M/Full duplex
(duplex confirmed with telco) circuit, tagged on our switch as
266 and passed via the dot1q trunk to the 2620.

Telco has confirmed the rate-shaping is 2261k, and they've
confirmed and added the shaping on their switch at the Ethernet

This all used to work when it was connected to a different 7507
using 12.2(15)T with RBE.  Obviously RBE isn't available in 12.0S
so we can't use that.

Anyone have any ideas?  I'm completely stumped, as is the telco.
The problem is that when we shifted from one router to the other,
they also rebuilt the PVC from one ATM bearer to another, so
they're not sure if *they* broke something or if it's us.

The 7507 has another circuit that is identical in all ways except
it is 10Mb, which has no problems.

any help would be greatly appreciated.


Network Operations		||	noc. +64.9.915.1825
Maxnet				||	cell. +64.21.639.706

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