[nsp] Cisco-like CLI interpreter

Lajber Zoltan lajbi at lajli.gau.hu
Fri May 14 15:13:33 EDT 2004

On Fri, 14 May 2004, Rubens Kuhl Jr. wrote:

> Hi.
> After seeing many non-Cisco devices with Cisco-like CLI interfaces, I'm
> assuming that it's not patented by Cisco.  Have anyone seen an
> open-source interpreter that presents a Cisco-like interface, so one can
> make a home-made device looks more familiar to operations personnel ?

It's seams like an old, abandoned project, but give a try:

It uses the old 2.2 kernel ipchains. Should be nice to update to use
recent  linux kernel (2.6.x) netfilter, vlan and bridge funcions.

 LAJBER Zoltan               Szent Istvan Egyetem,  Informatika Hivatal
      engineer: a mechanism for converting caffeine into designs.

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