[nsp] Troubleshooting NAT Failure

Sean Mathias seanm at prosolve.com
Sat May 22 16:50:09 EDT 2004

I am seeing the following NAT failure on an edge router:

*Mar  1 00:09:51.059: NAT: s=,
d=63.225.xxx.140-> [53882]
*Mar  1 00:09:51.063: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/1),
d= (Ethernet1/0), g=, len 58, forward
*Mar  1 00:09:51.063: NAT: s=,
d=63.225.xxx.140-> [53883]
*Mar  1 00:09:51.067: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/1),
d= (Ethernet1/0), g=, len 58, forward
*Mar  1 00:09:51.067: NAT: s=,
d=63.225.xxx.140-> [53884]
*Mar  1 00:09:51.071: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/1),
d= (Ethernet1/0), g=, len 58, forward
*Mar  1 00:09:51.071: NAT: s=,
d=63.225.xxx.140-> [53885]
*Mar  1 00:09:51.075: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/1),
d= (Ethernet1/0), g=, len 58, forward
*Mar  1 00:09:51.075: NAT: s=,
d=63.225.xxx.140-> [53886]
*Mar  1 00:09:51.079: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/1),
d= (Ethernet1/0), g=, len 62, forward
*Mar  1 00:09:51.079: NAT: s=,
d=63.225.xxx.140-> [53887]
*Mar  1 00:09:51.083: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/1),
d= (Ethernet1/0), g=, len 58, forward
*Mar  1 00:09:51.083: NAT: s=,
d=63.225.xxx.140-> [53888]
*Mar  1 00:09:51.083: IP: s= (FastEthernet0/1),
d= (Ethernet1/0), g=, len 61, forward
*Mar  1 00:09:51.087: NAT: s=>63.225.xxx.140,
d= [1064]
*Mar  1 00:09:51.087: NAT: translation failed (A), dropping packet
s=63.225.xxx.140 d=

Traffic gets translated, routes inside, back out, and fails translation
at the egress interface (same interface it entered on).  The only
reference I can find on CCO is to enable ip subnet-zero, it already is.
I have tried most everything I can think of, troubleshooting tools
(debugs) seem pretty limited for NAT.  Anyone have any ideas or

Sean Mathias
CCIE #12779
seanm at prosolve.com

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