[nsp] 2000 ATM PVCs on Cisco 7200

Brian Wallingford brian at meganet.net
Sun May 23 14:23:53 EDT 2004

On Sun, 23 May 2004, Denny Reiter wrote:

:> Are you using the PA-A3 or PA-A6 card?
:Even though it says it will handle 4,095 VCs, funny things start
:to happen when we exceed 3,900 or so.  The majority of these are
:RBE, with some management VCs and PPPOE thrown in.
:We have another location that has an NPE-G1 and two OC3s with 3,714
:and 2,643 VCs on them.  Needless to say, I like that one better :)
:CPU on the NPE-G1 averages about 38% and the NPE-300 stays around

That may be where your problem lies.  In my experience, all series of
sub-gig NPE behave unpredictably when cpu spikes over 90% on a regular
basis.  I'd expect that if your average is 70-75, you're seeing spikes of
100% quite often.


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