[c-nsp] Mixed PPPoA and RBE on 6400, with pvc ranges

Robert Tarrall tarrall at xxxx.neighborhoodlink.com
Tue Sep 14 12:07:55 EDT 2004

Here's the situation: we're a Qwest DSL host ISP moving from a
multiple-T1 setup on a Cisco 3620 to one DS-3 on a 6400.  We have mostly
PPPoA customers with a few bridged (RBE), one customer per PVC.

On the 3620, I've got a single multipoint interface for each T1 that
handles all the PPPoA customers; I have to manually list each PVC
(annoying) although using class-int means they can at least pick up a
default config.  Bridged customers each have their own point-to-point

On the 6400, I'd like to use pvc ranges ("range foo pvc 1/32 1/1032")
to avoid manually listing each PVC under the multipoint interface.
However, mixing in some bridged customers appears to break that trick.
I don't think we can mix RBE and PPPoA in the same range - correct?

Only alternative I can think of is to get Qwest to manually assign
bridged customers to PVCs outside the range we use for PPPoA - maybe
use a VPI of 1 for the PPPoA customers and a VPI of 2 for RBE folks.

Am I missing any better way of doing this?

Config snippets for reference:
Cisco 6400 NSP config:

interface ATM7/0/0
 no ip address
 no atm ilmi-keepalive
 ! For PPPoA
 atm pvp 1  interface  ATM1/0/0 1 
 ! For bridged
 atm pvp 2  interface  ATM1/0/0 2

Cisco 6400 NRP config:

vc-class atm ppp-default
  encapsulation aal5mux ppp Virtual-Template1
interface Virtual-Template1
 ip unnumbered Ethernet0/0
 peer default ip address pool DYNAMIC
 ppp authentication pap DSL_USER
 ppp authorization DSL_USER
! 1000 PPPoA customers
interface ATM0/0/0.900 multipoint
 no ip route-cache
 range default-pppoa pvc 1/32 1/1032
  class-range pppoa-default
! 50 RBE customers
interface ATM0/0/0.200 point-to-point
 ip unnumbered Loopback254
 no ip route-cache
 atm route-bridged ip
 range default-rbe pvc 2/32 2/82
  encapsulation aal5snap

                       -Robert Tarrall.-
                       Unix System/Network Admin
                       E.Central/Neighborhood Link

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