[c-nsp] Upgrade Hybrid Cat6K Redundant MSFC

Andrew Melton amelton at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 16:45:43 EDT 2004

I need to upgrade 2 MSFCs in my Cat6K with Sup720.  The switch is running CatOS.

Does this sound like a reasonable procedure to upgrade both MSFCs?

So, is there a recommended procedure?  Would the following work?

1). Copy image to bootflash: of active MSFC

2). Add boot statement on active MSFC to boot from new image in bootflash.

3).  Reload active MSFC from within the CLI.

4).  When the active MSFC reloads, the standby should kick in and
continue running the router using the old IOS.

5).  I'll then copy the new image to the bootflash of the now active
MSFC (which was the standby a moment ago).

6).  Add the boot statement to the now active MSFC.

7).  Reload the active MSFC which should put me back on the original MSFC which 
is now running the new IOS.

Does that sound right?  Is there a better way to do it?  Did I miss anything?

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