[c-nsp] Trouble with a NM-2CT1-CSU module

Bruce Pinsky bep at whack.org
Wed Aug 3 18:25:34 EDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

james edwards wrote:
| I have a NM-2CT1-CSU which is giving me fits. I cannot get it past Up/Down
| state. If I plug the T-1  into
| a WIC card on the same router I go Up/Up.
| NM-2CT1-CSU is a PRI card but Cisco indicates it can do data & to config it
| as a chanalized
| T-1 card. I have tried HDLC, PPP, and FR to no luck.
| Any ideas what I am doing wrong ?
| Router with the NM-2CT1-CSU:
| !
| controller T1 1/1
|  framing esf
|  fdl ansi
|  clock source internal
|  linecode b8zs
|  channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24
| !

If this is plugged into a carrier provided T1, I would not think you would
need to be clocking the circuit yourself.  That could certainly cause
clocking errors.

What does the output of "show controller t1" indicate?  Are there input or
output errors on the "show interface" output?

~From your description, certainly sounds like the physical circuit is coming
up correctly on the router, but data is being corrupted keeping HDLC
keepalives, FR LMI, or PPP LCP from passing properly and therefore not
allowing line protocol to come up.

- --

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