[c-nsp] NPE-G1 + PA-2FE-TX

Ryan O'Connell ryan at complicity.co.uk
Fri Feb 4 13:39:17 EST 2005

On 03/02/2005 10:14, Neil J. McRae wrote:

>You should start up your favourite waste disposal method
>and toss those cards into it. 

Nothing much wrong with the PA-2FE-TX as long as you don't expect full 
line rate from both ports at the same time. PA-GE doesn't have the port 
density and is relatively expensive and there are plenty of things you 
just don't want to put on a switch that don't need GE.

         Ryan O'Connell - CCIE #8174
<ryan at complicity.co.uk> - http://www.complicity.co.uk

I'm not losing my mind, no I'm not changing my lines,
I'm just learning new things with the passage of time

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