[c-nsp] Feature Request to Cisco

Joe Maimon jmaimon at ttec.com
Mon Feb 21 16:13:08 EST 2005

John Neiberger wrote:

>>>>Bastiaan Spandaw <catchall at becobaf.com> 2/21/05 1:32:33 PM >>>
>>John Neiberger wrote:
>>>* Nothing else is displayed (for you smart-a**es who were going to
>>>suggest "show run" <g>)
>>Will "sh run | beg router bgp" satisfy you?
>I already have an alias configured for that very command! :) That is
>sufficient on a number of my routers, but some of them have several very
>long access lists that aren't relevant, and it's a pain to wade through
>all of that stuff to get to the few relevant lists.
>It's obviously not a major problem, just a minor inconvenience on
>devices with large configs. It would be nice to have a better way to see
>all of the config that is related to BGP without having to filter out
>the irrelevant stuff.
While we are at it, perhaps cisco can see a way to replace "more" with 


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