[c-nsp] Difference between 3560 and 3570

John Neiberger John.Neiberger at efirstbank.com
Mon Jul 18 10:08:18 EDT 2005

>>> Joe Maimon <jmaimon at ttec.com> 7/18/05 4:25:07 AM >>>
>Hello all,
>Can anybody tell me what the essential differences between 3560 and
>catalysts are, software and hardware, aside from the few different 
>hardware configuration options available to the lines.
>Software advisor appears to not (completely) support the 3560 line

I believe the biggest difference is the StackWise stacking
functionality in the 3750. And the price. The 3750 is about a gazillion
dollars, while the 3560 is only about half a gazillion...or something
like that. :)


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