[c-nsp] Policing P2P return traffic to save B.W.
Kim Onnel
karim.adel at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 17:57:34 EST 2005
I have 3 OC3s, 2 of them are majorly
residential-bandwidth-abusers-ADSL, which i have to rate-limit
somehow, i've thought of policing p2p traffic, what i did is, a class
map to match an ACL of p2p ports(src/dst) that i know off, for now i
have the conform-action to transmit and the exceed-action to transmit,
and i've kept looking at it all day, but it has only given
(42346192 bps offered and 0 exceeded) please look below,
I'd like to know how does this scale, i am sure p2p is far more than
the number below, is my approach correct, any suggestions ?
3 x OC3 (uplink)
____| |____
| |
| Internet |
| Gateway |
| |
Gigbit 5/1 (downlink)
se7ya-7600#sh run int gigabitEthernet 5/1
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 429 bytes
interface GigabitEthernet5/1
description *****Network Downlink*****
ip address x.c.d.e secondary
ip address d.E.e.e
ip access-group block-worms in
ip access-group block-worms out
no ip redirects
ip accounting output-packets
ip rip authentication key-chain xxxxxx
ip route-cache flow
ip policy route-map axxxx
load-interval 30
no cdp enable
service-policy output p2p
se7ya-7600#sh run | b class
class-map match-all p2p
match access-group name p2p
policy-map p2p
class p2p
police 40000000 1250000 1250000 conform-action transmit
exceed-action transmit
se7ya-7600#sh run | b access-list extended p2p
ip access-list extended p2p
permit tcp any range 4661 4672 any
permit udp any range 4661 4672 any
permit tcp any eq 1214 any
permit udp any eq 1214 any
permit tcp any range 6881 6889 any
permit udp any range 6881 6889 any
permit tcp any eq 7778 any
permit tcp any eq 32840 any
permit tcp any eq 6257 any
permit udp any eq 6257 any
permit tcp any eq 6699 any
permit udp any eq 6699 any
permit udp any eq 6346 any
permit tcp any eq 6346 any
permit tcp any eq 5555 any
permit tcp any eq 4242 any
permit tcp any eq 2323 any
permit tcp any eq 4501 any
permit tcp any eq 4500 any
permit tcp any any range 4661 4672
permit udp any range 467 4661 any
permit udp any any range 4661 4672
permit udp any any range 4661 4672
permit tcp any any eq 1214
permit udp any any eq 1214
permit tcp any any range 6881 6889
permit udp any any range 6881 6889
permit tcp any any eq 7778
permit tcp any any eq 32840
permit tcp any any eq 6257
permit udp any any eq 6257
permit tcp any any eq 6699
permit udp any any eq 6699
permit udp any any eq 6346
permit tcp any any eq 6346
permit tcp any any eq 5555
permit tcp any any eq 4242
permit tcp any any eq 2323
permit tcp any any eq 4501
permit tcp any any eq 4500
se7ya-7600#sh policy-map interface gigabitEthernet 5/1
Service-policy output: p2p
class-map: p2p (match-all)
Match: access-group name p2p
police :
40000000 bps 1250000 limit 1250000 extended limit
Earl in slot 5 :
137280741183 bytes
30 second offered rate 42346192 bps
aggregate-forwarded 137280741183 bytes action: transmit
exceeded 0 bytes action: transmit
aggregate-forward 41982304 bps exceed 0 bps
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