[c-nsp] Standalone Web Site/Web Page Monitoring Device (SNMP Capable)

Adam Maloney adam at whee.org
Mon May 16 08:28:36 EDT 2005

On Sun, 15 May 2005, William Chu wrote:

> What I am looking for is a standalone device (e.g.
> like an appliance) that can be deployed at a remote
> location to monitor specific web sites and/or web
> pages. If the monitored web site/page becomes
> unavailable the device would then generate a SNMP trap
> to a network management station to alert the
> operators.

This shouldn't be terribly difficult to write in Perl using the SNMP and 
HTTP modules from CPAN.  (Forgive my perl, this is from the hip, and it 
may suck)

open(URLS, "<urls.txt");
while (@allurls = push(chomp(<URLS>)));

while (1) {
   foreach $url (@allurls) {
     http_get($url) || snmp_trap($url);
   sleep 300;

There, now just read:
to construct the SNMP trap, and read the libwww-perl documentation on how 
to perform the HTTP GET.  Easy-peasy.

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