[c-nsp] Strange 831/SOHO issue

Edwin Nagle enagle at megapath.net
Tue May 17 16:36:50 EDT 2005



I have researched this issue and can find no information about it and
was hoping someone else has come across this same issue.  We have
several clients who use SOHO and 831 routers to perform VPN tunneling
which are experiencing a strange issue.  On occasion, the WAN (E1)
interface on the Cisco router will administratively shut down on it's
own for unknown reasons - and then after an unknown period of time the
interface will return to normal.  Both sites' routers' are using
different firmware and one is an 831 and the other is a SOHO.  Very
strange issue - just curious as to if anyone else has ever seen this
happen before?




-James Nagle

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