[c-nsp] nagios monitor bgp peer pluggin?

andrew2 at one.net andrew2 at one.net
Thu Nov 3 17:31:05 EST 2005

cisco-nsp-bounces at puck.nether.net wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Nov 2005, Shaun wrote:
>> Anybody use or have a pluggin for nagios that checks the status of
>> bgp peer/neighbors?  I found one by a university but just like almost
>> every other pluggin i've found for cisco equipment it doesnt work.
>> I'm monitoring a 7200 VXR and a 3750

Not sure where I found this, but it works great for me on 7200 VXR's:


#                               Configuration        

my $lastScriptModification = '2002-11-24';

#                              Initialization

#    Libraries

use Getopt::Std;
use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp);

#    Global var declarations
my (
   # Working vars 
   $usage,              # String containing usage help
   $hostname,           # Hostname of machine being queried via SNMP
   $community,          # SNMP community string to use for query
   $base_oid,           # BGP Neighbor State OID 
   %bgp_neighbors,      # hash of BGP neighbors
   %bgp_states,         # hash of SNMP BGP states
   @neighbors,          # array to temporarily hold the list of
   @up,                 # list of neighbors that are up
   @down,               # list of neighbors that are down
   @ne,                 # list of neighbors that are not configured
   $message,            # the text message to return to netsaint
   $state              # 2=critical, 1=warning, 0=ok, -1=error

#    Global var initializations

$usage = <<"EOF";
usage:  $0 [-h] -r <hostname> -c <community> -n <neighbors> 

[-h]            :       Print this message
[-r] <router>   :       IP Address or Hostname of the router
[-c] <community>:       SNMP Community String  (default = "public")
[-n] <neighbors>:       % delimited list of neighbor ip addresses 
                        and descriptions.   Example:

%bgp_states = (
        "1" => "Idle",
        "2" => "Connect",
        "3" => "Active",
        "4" => "OpenSent",
        "5" => "OpenConfirm",
        "6" => "Established"

$state = 0;

#                              Input Phase

# Check the usage
die $usage if (!getopts('hr:c:n:') || $opt_h);
die $usage if (!$opt_r || !$opt_n || $opt_h);

# Set the args for the snmp session 
$hostname = $opt_r;
$community = $opt_c || "public";
$base_oid = "";

# Build a hash of BGP neighbors: key=ip_address, value=description
@neighbors = split(',', $opt_n);
foreach my $neighbor (@neighbors) {
        my @tmp = split('\%', $neighbor);  
        $bgp_neighbors{$tmp[0]} = $tmp[1];

# Open an SNMPv2 session with the router
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
        -version     => 'snmpv2c',
        -nonblocking => 1,
        -timeout     => 2,
        -hostname    => $hostname,
        -community   => $community

if (!defined($session)) {
        printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $error);
        exit (-1);

# Send a bulk request for the bgp neighbor table
my $result = $session->get_bulk_request(
        -callback       => [\&table_cb, {}],
        -maxrepetitions => 10,
        -varbindlist => [$base_oid]

if (!defined($result)) {
        printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $session->error);
        exit (-1);

#                              Output Phase

# Wait for the responses.  These will be handled by &table_cb...

# Clean-up and exit.

# If there are any neighbors left in the has, it means that 
# we were supposed to report on the status, but the neighbor
# wasn't in the bgp neighbors table.  We'll assume this means 
# the neighbor is down.
foreach my $neighbor (keys %bgp_neighbors) {
        #print "BGP to $bgp_neighbors{$neighbor} is Unconfigured\n";
        push(@ne, $bgp_neighbors{$neighbor});
        $state = 2;

if ($state == 0) { 
        my $num_up = @up;
        my $list = join(',', @up);
        if ($num_up > 1) {
                $message = "BGP to $list are Up";
        } else {
                $message = "BGP to $list is Up";

} else {
        my $num_ne = @ne;
        my $num_down = @down;

        if ($num_ne) {
                my $list = join(',', @ne);
                $message = "BGP to $list is Unconfigured, ";
        if ($num_down) {
                my $list = join(',', @down);
                $message .= "BGP to $list is DOWN";

print "$message\n";


#                              Subroutines

# Subroutine to handle the SNMP responses.
sub table_cb 
        my ($session, $table) = @_;

        if (!defined($session->var_bind_list)) {
                printf("ERROR: %s\n", $session->error);

        } else {

                # Loop through each of the OIDs in the response and
                # the key/value pairs to the anonymous hash that is
                # to the callback.  Make sure that we are still in the
                # before assigning the key/values.

                my $next;
                foreach my $oid
(oid_lex_sort(keys(%{$session->var_bind_list}))) {
                        if (!oid_base_match($base_oid, $oid)) {
                                $next = undef;
                        $next = $oid;
                        $table->{$oid} =

                # If $next is defined we need to send another request
                # to get more of the table.

                if (defined($next)) {
                        $result = $session->get_bulk_request(
                                -callback       => [\&table_cb, $table],
                                -maxrepetitions => 10,
                                -varbindlist    => [$next]

                        if (!defined($result)) {
                                printf("ERROR: %s\n", $session->error);
                } else {
                        # We are no longer in the table, so print the
                        my @neighbors; 
                        foreach my $oid (oid_lex_sort(keys(%{$table})))

                                # Get neighbor address and ifIndex from
                                if ($oid =~
/^$base_oid.(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)$/) {
                                        $neighbor = $1;
                                #print "$oid: $table->{$oid}\n";
                                #print "neighbor: $neighbor\n";

                                # If this snmp response is about a
neighbor that
                                # was listed in "-n", report on the
                                if (defined($bgp_neighbors{$neighbor}))
                                        if ($table->{$oid} == 6) {
                                                #print "BGP to
$bgp_neighbors{$neighbor} is UP\n";
                                        } else {
                                                #print "BGP to
$bgp_neighbors{$neighbor} is DOWN\n";
                                                $state = 2;
                                        # deleting the neighbor from the
                                        # since we already reported on

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