[c-nsp] bridge FIB-Type in CatOS mls entry

Edwin Lok edwin.lok at pacific.net.sg
Mon Apr 3 23:27:00 EDT 2006

Hi Tim,

Would this be because of low memory available in the CatOS causing the FIB-Table 
to be incomplete?

> (enable) sh proc mem summary

Memory Used:  54569568
        Free:   5075328
       Total:  59644896

Memory Pool Utilization
Memory Pool Type 1Min  5Min  10Min
---------------- ----- ----- -----
DRAM               82%   82%   82%
FLASH              88%   88%   88%
NVRAM              66%   66%   66%
MBUF                2%    2%    2%
CLUSTER            11%   11%   11%
MALLOC             91%   91%   91%



On Sun, 2 Apr 2006, Tim Stevenson wrote:

> I would guess there's something wrong with the adjacency, it is not resolved 
> or something (or at least not programmed down to the h/w for some reason).
> Assuming there is not some other config that might be affecting this. I'd 
> open a case probably for the speediest resolution.
> Tim
> At 06:17 PM 4/2/2006, Edwin Lok contended:
>>>> CatOS ver: 7.6(12) with PFC2 and MSFC2
>>>> Switch> (enable) sh mls entry cef ip x.x.x.0/18
>>>> Mod FIB-Type  Destination-IP  Destination-Mask NextHop-IP      Weight
>>>> --- --------- --------------- ---------------- --------------- ------
>>>>   15 bridge    x.x.x.0
>>> What is the configuration of the interface where this prefix is reached?
>> interface Vlan50
>>  description Vlan50
>>  ip address a.a.a.a
>>  no ip redirects
>>  no ip unreachables
>>  ip route-cache flow
>>  ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 7 XXXXXXXXXXXX
>>  ip ospf cost 100
>>  ip ospf priority 10
>>  mls rp vtp-domain DOMAIN_NAME
>>  mls rp management-interface
>>  mls rp ip
>> CEF entry in the MSFC seems OK..
>> MSFC#sh ip cef x.x.x.0
>> x.x.x.0/18, version 182408, epoch 0, per-destination sharing
>> 0 packets, 0 bytes
>>   via y.y.y.y, 0 dependencies, recursive
>>     next hop a.a.a.d, Vlan50 via y.y.y.y/32
>>     valid adjacency
>>   Recursive load sharing using y.y.y.y/32.
>> Need any other information?
>> Rgds
>> Edwin
> Tim Stevenson, tstevens at cisco.com
> Routing & Switching CCIE #5561
> Technical Marketing Engineer, Catalyst 6500
> Cisco Systems, http://www.cisco.com
> IP Phone: 408-526-6759
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