[c-nsp] OSPF over virtual-access interfaces

Jeremiah Millay jeremiah at rockriver.net
Tue Aug 15 17:23:10 EDT 2006

I'm trying to set up a customer router to run ospf over their ADSL line 
to us. Here is a crude diagram:

Customer Router (Fa0/0) -----> ADSL Modem (PPPoE Client) -----> Provider 
Cloud -----> LNS (One of our core routers)

I enable all of the commands on the customer router for a standard ospf 
setup. Something like:

router ospf 1
 passive-interface default
 no passive-interface FastEthernet0/0
 network 209.X.X.0 area 0

On our side (the LNS):

router ospf 1
 passive-interface default
 no passive-interface Virtual-Template1
 network 209.X.X.0 area 0

interface Virtual-Template1
 mtu 1492
 ip unnumbered Loopback1
 no logging event link-status
 peer default ip address pool DSL-POOL
 ppp authentication chap

int loopback 2
 ip address 209.X.X.1

In my RADIUS config I'm returning some specific Cisco AVPairs:
Framed-Address = 209.X.X.2
lcp:interface-config#1=ip unnumbered loopback 2
lcp:interface-config#2=ip ospf authentication-key somekey

I'm able to get the connection working just fine. I can ping from both 
ends with no problems. But I'm not seeing any hellos from the either 
router crossing the link (debug ip ospf hello / debug ip ospf adj). Is 
there some trick to creating an OSPF adjacency over virtual-access 
interfaces? Havn't found much info on the Cisco site.

Any help would be appreciated.

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