[c-nsp] Re: Multilink PPP over Frame and ATM

Charles Sporkman spork.sporkman at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 14:23:38 EST 2006

Just wanted to follow up with this...  It does indeed seem to be
working.  Going to run some tests to see if it behaves as expected,
but it is up with two T1s using the instructions below (minus the
queueing stuff).

I'm a bit puzzled on setting up my static routes since I've never
worked with virtual-template stuff before, but I'm sure I can figure
something out.

Anyone have a simple example config showing a "normal" MLPPP setup
when you have more than one bundle?



On 2/10/06, Charles Sporkman <spork.sporkman at gmail.com> wrote:

> I used the two following docs to setup both ends.
> frame:
> http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/software/ios124/124cg/hqos_c
> /part30/ch05/qslfifr.htm#
> atm:
> http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/software/ios122/122newft/122
> t/122t13/ftatmmlt.htm
> Here's where I'm confused.  I have this up and running with the single
> T1 and it seems to work.  But in both of those docs they talk about
> this multilink setup being strictly for QoS.  This overview doc
> (http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/788/voice-qos/designing-mlp-over-fr-atm.html)
> even states that you cannot use this to bond two circuits together.
> So how is it "multilink" then?  I understand that I'm layering PPP
> over everything to get control of fragmentation and QoS away from the
> underlying transport, but it seems like a misnomer.
> And of course Speakeasy claims to be doing it with Cisco 18xx CPE and
> Juniper aggregation routers and that confuses things even further.
> Am I wasting my time trying to do this?  The docs are real fuzzy on
> the part I'm interested in.  QoS is not even a concern for these
> customers.
> Anyone doing anything remotely like this?  Any ideas?  I'll know if it
> works sometime next week, but I'm really wanting to understand the
> concepts here...
> Thanks,
> Charles
> Here's a snippet of both ends of the config.
> CPE:
> !
> interface Serial0/0
>  description covad circ 103-341-xxx vz circ 32HCFU.239xxx hse 396
>  no ip address
>  encapsulation frame-relay IETF
>  no fair-queue
>  frame-relay lmi-type ansi
> !
> interface Serial0/0.1 point-to-point
>  description frame pvc
>  frame-relay interface-dlci 16 ppp Virtual-Template1
> !
> interface Serial0/1
>  description covad circ 103-336-xxx vz circ 32HCFU.227xxx hse 386
>  no ip address
>  encapsulation frame-relay IETF
>  no fair-queue
>  frame-relay lmi-type ansi
> !
> interface Serial0/1.1 point-to-point
>  description frame pvc
>  frame-relay interface-dlci 16 ppp Virtual-Template1
> !
> interface Virtual-Template1
>  description ppp template for MPoFR
>  bandwidth 3072
>  ip address
>  ppp multilink
>  ppp multilink interleave
> !
> 7206:
> !
> interface ATM4/0.2614 point-to-point
>  pvc 0/2614
>   encapsulation aal5snap
>   protocol ppp Virtual-Template1
>  !
> !
> interface ATM4/0.2615 point-to-point
>  ip unnumbered Loopback8
>  pvc 0/2615
>   encapsulation aal5snap
>  !
> !
> interface Virtual-Template1
>  description test MPoATM office circ
>  bandwidth 3072
>  ip address
>  ppp multilink
>  ppp multilink interleave
> !
> mppp-test-568#ping
> Type escape sequence to abort.
> Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
> !!!!!
> Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 12/15/16 ms
> mppp-test-568#

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