[c-nsp] Dual-homing without BGP

David Barak thegameiam at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 16 10:09:47 EST 2006

--- Vincent De Keyzer <vincent at dekeyzer.net> wrote:
> Would the following solution work?
> 1.       Customer have a router that would NOT run
> BGP (in order to limit
> investment), and that would be connected to N, T and
> servers LAN.

You can make a kludge such that it will exhibit these
behaviors, but it is harder than just ponying up a few
extra bucks for a real solution.  PBR and the other
klduge-based approaches will "work" but may experience
not-so-well documented conditions.

Just don't do it.

Besides, what do you mean by "to limit investment"?  A
1604 runs BGP and can be had on ebay for a few hundred
dollars.  What exactly works at the speeds you're
describing that doesn't run BGP, and is cheaper than
gear which does?

David Barak
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