[c-nsp] Monitoring GUI for Cisco network

Lajber Zoltan lajbi at lajli.gau.hu
Fri Feb 24 16:29:24 EST 2006

On Fri, 24 Feb 2006, Vincent De Keyzer wrote:

> Nagios' map has the disadvantage of being autobuilt - we would like
> something where we can manually place a router when it is installed.

In the hostexinfo.cfg you may specifi coordinates, but it's anoying if
there are several hosts. Afaik there is some tool to do it with GUI, but
never tried one.

 LAJBER Zoltan               Szent Istvan Egyetem,  Informatika Hivatal
 Most of the time, if you think you are in trouble, crank that throttle!

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