[c-nsp] 877 ADSL router does not work

Gideon Le Grange gideon at adept.co.za
Tue Jan 3 03:04:31 EST 2006


I've obtained a Cisco 877 ADSL router to test as a replacement for  
the 837. According to http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/routers/ 
ps380/products_qanda_item0900aecd8028a982.shtml there should not be  
migration issues from the 830 or 850 series to the 870.

However, when I plug the 877 into an ADSL line with an identical  
configuration to the 837, the ATM interface does not come up:

test#  sh ip int brief
Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method  
Status                Protocol
ATM0                       unassigned      YES NVRAM   
initializing          down
ATM0.1                     unassigned      YES unset   
initializing          down

The router remains in this state, unless a shutdown/no shutdown is  
done on ATM0:

test#  sh ip int brief
Interface                  IP-Address      OK? Method  
Status                Protocol
ATM0                       unassigned      YES NVRAM   
down                  down
ATM0.1                     unassigned      YES unset   
down                  down

The ADSL line and the RJ11 cable used were tested with other routers  
and works.

Any ideas?


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