[c-nsp] Sup720 & Sup32 ingress TOS/EXP marking

Ran Liebermann ranmails at gmail.com
Sun Jan 15 03:53:01 EST 2006


The topology of the test with the Sup32 is as following:

Device type: Laptop1     7401       Sup32         7200       7200      Laptop2
P/PE/CE    : ( CE ) --- ( PE ) --- (  P  ) ----  ( P ) ---- ( PE ) --- ( CE )
Interface #:            1    2     3     4       5   6      7    8

In the test we try to ping from Laptop2 to Laptop1, setting the
packets with TOS=0x00.  The policy in question is deployed on
interface #4 (on the Sup32).

The configuration of the Sup32 is the following:
-------------------- [Start Quote] --------------------
no mls flow ip
no mls flow ipv6
mls qos
no mls acl tcam share-global
mls cef error action freeze
class-map match-all TEST
  match mpls experimental topmost 0
policy-map TEST
  class TEST
   set precedence 3
interface GigabitEthernet5/8     ! i.e Interface #3 - Output interface
 ip address x.x.31.129
 ip router isis
 speed nonegotiate
 tag-switching ip
interface GigabitEthernet5/9     ! i.e. Interface #4 - Input interface
 ip address x.x.31.2
 ip router isis
 mpls label protocol ldp
 tag-switching ip
 clns mtu 1000
 service-policy input TEST
-------------------- [ End Quote ] --------------------

Show mpls forwarding-table command to the destination laptop from the
7200 P router:

-------------------- [Start Quote] --------------------
7200-P#show mpls forwarding-table x.x.31.134
Local  Outgoing    Prefix            Bytes tag  Outgoing   Next Hop
tag    tag or VC   or Tunnel Id      switched   interface
199    16          x.x.31.132/30     97787460   Gi0/1.24   x.x.31.2
-------------------- [ End Quote ] --------------------

And the same command from the Sup32:

-------------------- [Start Quote] --------------------
SUP32#show mpl for x.x.31.134
Local  Outgoing    Prefix              Bytes tag  Outgoing   Next Hop
tag    tag or VC   or Tunnel Id        switched   interface
16     Pop tag     x.x.31.132/30       93575410   Gi5/8      x.x.31.130
-------------------- [ End Quote ] --------------------

And the packets are received with TOS=0x00 in Laptop1.


On 14/01/06, Asbjorn Hojmark - Lists <Lists at hojmark.org> wrote:
> > We've been trying to do TOS marking with both a Sup720-3BXL
> > and a Sup32 at the ingress, but with no success.
> A little bit of config would be helpful...
> Are you trying to do that with trust? That's not supported on
> 1q4t ports (except GE) like those on the 6348.
> How are you trying to mark the traffic? With 'set ip prec' in
> a policy map for a service-policy on the ingress interface?
> -A

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