[c-nsp] PA-GE Performance

Robert Blayzor rblayzor at inoc.net
Thu Nov 2 13:13:40 EST 2006

Robert Boyle wrote:
> I am wondering what kind of performance people have seen in the real 
> world with PA-GE cards in a VXR with NPE-400. I know that the G1 or 
> G2 are better options, but to feed a smaller POP where I don't want 
> or need to spend $10k to upgrade the NPE, what performance should I 
> see? Cisco's site is vague on this point and offers "moderate 
> performance" Does that mean 200Mbit/s or 500Mbit/s? Any real world 
> experiences are welcome. Thanks!

Well the PCI bus is limited to 600M in the VXR chassis?  So I'm assuming
the absolute best you're going to see if around 300Mbps in either
direction.  But last I knew the PA-GE had a bandwidth point rating of
400 points, so perhaps that's 200Mbps in both directions or 400Mbps in
any one?  However, I have doubts the NPE-400 would be able to keep up in
either case.

Robert Blayzor, BOFH
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"640K ought to be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates, 1981

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