[c-nsp] 3rd party Xenpak for 65xx

Richard A Steenbergen ras at e-gerbil.net
Wed Sep 20 16:41:09 EDT 2006

On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 04:08:01PM +0200, Blake Willis wrote:
> Hi Arnold,
>  	I can confirm for you that the "unsupported-transceiver" commands that 
> enable 3rd-party SFPs change nothing at all for a 3rd-party Xenpak. You're 
> probably limited to "compatible" produts like Photonteck, AAC, Advantage 
> Optics, or Fluxlight, which last I checked (admittedly a while ago) were the 
> same price or more expensive than the equivalent Cisco part. The most credible 
> seems to be Fluxlight (3 year warranty), but I haven't seen or tested any of 
> them.

Not true, service unsupported-transceiver enables third party XENPAKs as 
well. I have more than a few Foundry branded LR XENPAKs which only run 
with service unsupported and detect as:

Te3/1                      connected    trunk         full    10G bad EEPROM
Te3/4                      connected    trunk         full    10G bad EEPROM

The only thing that *really* doesn't seem to work is third party LW (LR 
WAN PHY) XENPAKs such as Optillion, which Cisco (WS-X6704 at any rate) 
rejects with extreme prejustice, but which Foundry/Extreme are quite happy 

BTW I hope everyone had the opportunity to read:


>  	As a sidenote, *a few* of the Cisco-branded LR Xenpaks we have are 
> digital-diagnostic enabled, but most are not, and on average the lasers on the 
> DD units tend to be about 1dB weaker than the non-DD devices (probably due at 
> least in part to the beam-splitter used for the measurement sensor). In order 
> to tell them apart, it seems that the DD parts have a much thicker metal front 
> flange.  Anyone else have experience with this?

I have quite a few Cisco branded LRs which so not support DOM, and a few 
that do. It looks like the earlier optics did not support it, and it was 
added on later, for example:

A Cisco LR XENPAK which does not support DOM:

 Transceiver vendor name :CISCO-OPNEXT,INC
 Part number provided by transceiver vendor       :800-24558-01    
 Revision level of part number provided by vendor :01
 Vendor manufacturing date code :2003122000 <-----------------

Right next to a Cisco LR XENPAK which does, produced by the same company:

 Transceiver vendor name :CISCO-OPNEXT,INC
 Part number provided by transceiver vendor       :TRE5023EN-SWC   
 Revision level of part number provided by vendor :02
 Vendor manufacturing date code :2006042600 <-----------------

Of my Cisco branded XENPAKs (which is admittedly well under half of my 
total XENPAK collection), I have the following representative breakdown:

Does NOT support DOM:

 Transceiver vendor name :CISCO-EMCORE    
 Part number provided by transceiver vendor       :ELX-7100-XEN-A
 Vendor manufacturing date code :2004100600

 Transceiver vendor name :CISCO-OPNEXT,INC
 Part number provided by transceiver vendor       :800-24558-01    
 Vendor manufacturing date code :2003122000

Does support DOM:

 Transceiver vendor name :CISCO-OPNEXT,INC
 Part number provided by transceiver vendor       :TRE5023EN-SWC   
 Vendor manufacturing date code :2006042600

 Transceiver vendor name :CISCO-INTEL     
 Part number provided by transceiver vendor       :TXN174114015F21 
 Vendor manufacturing date code :2004100700

 Transceiver vendor name :CISCO-INTEL     
 Part number provided by transceiver vendor       :TXN174302013F11 
 Vendor manufacturing date code :2005102000

Richard A Steenbergen <ras at e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

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