[c-nsp] Question about "show sdm prefer" command output on Cat3560G

Peter Rathlev peter at rathlev.dk
Tue Dec 4 16:10:22 EST 2007

On Tue, 2007-12-04 at 08:40 +0100, Mark Dauven wrote:
> I've no direct answers to your questions. But I have had run a 3560G 
> with about a dozen layer 3 interface and a few ACLs in "desktop vlan" 
> mode. There wasn't any log message about it. But the performance wasn't 
> very good (seemed traffic couldn't get faster than 50MBit/s) and the cpu 
> usage was near 80% peaks all the time. Even if there was nearly no 
> traffic the cpu usage was about 30%.
> After switching to "desktop access" performance became much better. The 
> cpu usage stays under 10% even with 100MBit/s of routed traffic.

I hope you did this in a lab or something similar. :-) The "desktop
vlan" is not intended for routing, as in "show sdm prefer vlan | incl
unicast IPv4" gives you a clear "0". The 3550 simply wouldn't allow any
routing with that template. The 3560 appears to process switch instead
then. But why change the SDM template away from the "desktop access"
default setting in the first place?

Peter Rathlev

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