[c-nsp] TE config help

Pete Templin petelists at templin.org
Mon Feb 12 07:32:27 EST 2007

mb2 at os.datafx.com.au wrote:
>>> interface Tunnel2  tag-switching ip
> Yes - We have mpls vpns running over these links...the 7200's are 
> performing edge+core functionality....so I assume we will require "mpls 
> ip" on the tunnels?

Very good, you've done your homework.

>>> ### Not too sure about this? tunnel mpls traffic-eng bandwidth ?
>> tunn mpls traf band 4000
> Ok - Little confused here....why wouldn't this be:
> tunn mpls traf band 12000?
> Why would I have 3 tunnels @ 4Mb each?

Each tunnel has ONE label associated with it.  A label can only have one 
outgoing interface.  If you want to achieve 12Mbps during all-up 
traffic, you'll need to send traffic over both links, so you'll need at 
least two labels, and therefore two tunnels.  I'm recommending 3 tunnels 
so you'll have easier distribution of traffic.

>> How many tunnels are you going to have?  You can do three tunnels, 
>> each at 4Mbps bandwidth.  You can do two or three or more with auto-bw.
> What determines/dictates which method should be used?

Your application is very simple, so static settings with three tunnels 
should be fine.  If your application grows, auto-bw may be the answer 
for you.


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