[c-nsp] Catalyst 4503 problem?

Robert Bugala rbiotg at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 05:59:22 EST 2007


I have two catalyst 4503, both running L3 software. Both catalyst are connected
together with single ethernet cable. Ports on both catalysts are configured as
routed ports, all other configuration is same. Both cats got Supervisor II+TS.

Ports stay down/down.

First cat running 12.2(25)EWA6:
Gi1/3                        notconnect   routed       auto   1000

interface GigabitEthernet1/3
 no switchport
 no ip address
 no ip redirects
 no ip proxy-arp
 speed 1000
 duplex full
 power inline never

second cat running 12.2(25)EWA5:
Gi1/12                       notconnect   routed       auto   1000

interface GigabitEthernet1/12
 no switchport
 no ip address
 no ip redirects
 no ip proxy-arp
 speed 1000
 duplex full
 power inline never

1. Both ports are routed, no spanning-tree, loop or anything.
2. Same cable, connecting cisco 3560 to first catalyst - same port used on 4503,
port up/up, port not broken on 1st cat, cable ok.
3. Same cable, connecting cisco 3560 to second catalyst - same port
used on 4503,
port up/up, port not broken on 2nd cat, cable ok.
4. Any other ports 4503-to-4503 - down/down.
5. Any combinations of speed/duplex/power/flowcontrol i tried does not work,
dont have speed nonegotiatie also.
6. Connecting old 4003 to 4503 port down/down also.
7. Connecting old 4003 to 3560 - port up/up.
8. Same cable used, changing cable does not help either.
9. No info on console, in logs - nothing, like the cable is not there.
10. Can connect 4503 to 76xx and it works too.

Anyone can give me a hint on whats wrong with the 4xxx boxes any why I cant
get them connected together?


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