[c-nsp] Remarking ip precedence of all traffic

hjan hjan at libero.it
Wed Feb 14 08:42:45 EST 2007

Rodney Dunn ha scritto:
> It's most likely more cross platform friendly to just do this:
> policy-map remark-precedence-to-zero
>  class class-default
>   set ip precedence 0
> If there is a situation where class-default isn't honored I'd
> say your MQC policy below is just as good.
> rodney
Thanks Rodney for your reply.
I've noticed this on one my router:

xxxx-gsr(config-if)#service-policy input remark-precedence-to-zero
%Policy not supported on interface GigabitEthernet1/1

xxxx-gsr#sh diag 1

SLOT 1  (RP/LC 1 ): 3 Port Gigabit Ethernet
  MAIN: type 68,  800-6376-03 rev C0
        Deviation: 0
        HW config: 0x00    SW key: 00-00-00
  PCA:  73-4775-06 rev B0 ver 2
        Design Release 2.0  S/N SAD0620004P
  MBUS: Embedded Agent
        Test hist: 0x00    RMA#: 00-00-00    RMA hist: 0x00
  DIAG: Test count: 0x00000000    Test results: 0x00000000
  FRU:  Linecard/Module: 3GE-GBIC-SC=
        Route Memory: MEM-GRP/LC-256=
        Packet Memory: MEM-LC1-PKT-512=
  L3 Engine: 2 - Backbone OC48 (2.5 Gbps)
  MBUS Agent Software version 1.88 (RAM) (ROM version is 2.32)
  ROM Monitor version 16.12
  Fabric Downloader version used 9.3 (ROM version is 9.3)
  Primary clock is CSC 1
  Board is analyzed
  Board State is Line Card Enabled (IOS  RUN )
  Insertion time: 00:00:08 (2y42w ago)
  DRAM size: 268435456 bytes
  FrFab SDRAM size: 268435456 bytes, SDRAM pagesize: 16384 bytes
  ToFab SDRAM size: 268435456 bytes, SDRAM pagesize: 16384 bytes
  0 crashes since restart

xxxx-gsr#sh ver
xxxx-gsr uptime is 2 years, 42 weeks, 3 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload
System restarted at 06:21:12 MET Fri Apr 23 2004
System image file is "slot0:gsr-p-mz.120-26.S2.bin"
cisco 12008/GRP (R5000) processor (revision 0x05) with 524288K bytes of 
R5000 CPU at 200Mhz, Implementation 35, Rev 2.1, 512KB L2 Cache
Last reset from power-on

Do you think is a IOS release problem, i.e. feature not supported, or  
LC Engine limits ?


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