[c-nsp] cell scrambling atm-aim on 2600

james edwards lists.james.edwards at gmail.com
Wed Feb 21 19:31:25 EST 2007

I can't find they way to turn on cell scrambling on the atm-aim card on a 2621.
I can only find configs/info at Cisco for this card/router for IMA,
where cell scrambling
is configable.

Scrambling is not enabled:

SFEDR_2620#sho atm int atm 0/0
Interface ATM0/0:
AAL enabled:  AAL5 , Maximum VCs: 256, Current VCCs: 1

Maximum Transmit Channels: 0
VCIs per VPI: 256,
Max. Datagram Size: 4496
PLIM Type: DS1, Framing is T1 ESF, TX clocking: LINE
Cell-payload scrambling: OFF
6323199 input, 6680560 output, 1153735815 IN fast, 1117003787 OUT
fast, 0 out dropCBR : 1536
 Avail bw = 0
Config. is ACTIVE

But there are no commands under the physical interface for scrambling:

SFEDR_2620(config)#in ATM0/0
Interface configuration commands:
  access-expression       Build a bridge boolean access expression
  arp                     Set arp type (arpa, probe, snap) or timeout
  atm                     Modify ATM parameters
  backup                  Modify backup parameters
  bandwidth               Set bandwidth informational parameter
  bridge-group            Transparent bridging interface parameters
  bundle                  Configure ATM VC Bundle
  carrier-delay           Specify delay for interface transitions
  cdp                     CDP interface subcommands
  class-int               Configure default vc-class name
  custom-queue-list       Assign a custom queue list to an interface
  default                 Set a command to its defaults
  delay                   Specify interface throughput delay
  description             Interface specific description
  diffserv                diffserv (Provisioning)
  dspu                    Down Stream PU
  exit                    Exit from interface configuration mode
  fair-queue              Enable Fair Queuing on an Interface
  fras                    DLC Switch Interface Command
  h323-gateway            Configure H323 Gateway
  help                    Description of the interactive help system
  hold-queue              Set hold queue depth
  ima-group               Assign an interface to an IMA Group
  ip                      Interface Internet Protocol config commands
  ipv6                    IPv6 interface subcommands
  lan-name                LAN Name command
  llc2                    LLC2 Interface Subcommands
  load-interval           Specify interval for load calculation for an interface
  locaddr-priority        Assign a priority group
  logging                 Configure logging for interface
  loopback                Configure internal loopback on an interface
  mac-address             Manually set interface MAC address
  map-group               Configure static map group
  max-reserved-bandwidth  Maximum Reservable Bandwidth on an Interface
  mtu                     Set the interface Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
  multilink-group         Put interface in a multilink bundle
  multiring               Enable RIF usage for a routable protocol
  netbios                 Use a defined NETBIOS access list or enable
  no                      Negate a command or set its defaults
  ntp                     Configure NTP
  priority-group          Assign a priority group to an interface
  pvc                     Configure ATM PVC parameters
  random-detect           Enable Weighted Random Early Detection
(WRED) on an Interface
  rate-limit              Rate Limit
  rmon                    Configure Remote Monitoring on an interface
  roles                   Specify roles (by entering roles mode)
  sap-priority            Assign a priority group
  service-policy          Configure QoS Service Policy
  shutdown                Shutdown the selected interface
  sna                     SNA pu configuration
  snapshot                Configure snapshot support on the interface
  snmp                    Modify SNMP interface parameters
  source-bridge           Configure interface for source-route bridging
  spanning-tree           Spanning Tree Subsystem
  sscop                   SSCOP Interface Subcommands
  standby                 HSRP interface configuration commands
  svc                     Configure ATM SVC parameters
  timeout                 Define timeout values for this interface
  transmit-interface      Assign a transmit interface to a
receive-only interface
  trunk-group             Configure interface to be in a trunk group

SFEDR_2620(config-if)#atm ?
  abr                    Configure available bit rate parameters
  address-registration   Address Registration
  arp-server             Configure IP ARP Server
  auto-configuration     ATM interface auto configuration
  class                  Configure default map class name
  classic-ip-extensions  Specify the type of Classic IP extensions
  clock                  ATM TX clock source
  e164                   E164 Configuration
  esi-address            7-octet ATM ESI address
  idle-cell-format       ATM idle cell header format
  idle-timeout           Set idle time before disconnecting a SVC
  ilmi-enable            ILMI Configuration
  ilmi-keepalive         Keepalive polling configuration
  ilmi-pvc-discovery     Enable ILMI PVC Discovery
  multicast              E.164 ATM SMDS address
  multipoint-interval    Set minimum interval between multipoint party additions
  multipoint-signalling  Multipoint Signalling
  nsap-address           20-octet ATM NSAP address
  oversubscribe          Allow oversubscription of ATM link
  pvc                    Create a PVC
  smds-address           E.164 ATM SMDS address
  sonet                  ATM SONET mode
  uni-version            UNI Version
  vc-per-vp              ATM VCIs per VPI

James H. Edwards
Senior Network Systems Administrator
Judicial Information Division
jedwards at nmcourts.gov

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