[c-nsp] Netflow on 7507 with Cflowd

Skeeve Stevens skeeve at skeeve.org
Mon Jan 15 00:45:34 EST 2007

Hey all,

	I am trying to do some analysis on where the traffic on our network
is actually 'going'.

	I have Netflow running and collecting, but the AS numbers aren't
exactly what I want to see.

  index:          0xc7ffff
  router:         x.64.129
  src IP:         x.68.180
  dst IP:         15x.17.58.76
  input ifIndex:  1
  output ifIndex: 2
  src port:       11237
  dst port:       10143
  pkts:           2
  bytes:          236
  IP nexthop:     x.19.61
  start time:     Mon Jan 15 14:39:22 2007
  end time:       Mon Jan 15 14:39:22 2007
  protocol:       17
  tos:            0x0
  src AS:         0
  dst AS:         x942
  src masklen:    23
  dst masklen:    16
  TCP flags:      0x0
  engine type:    0
  engine id:      0

The Destination IP is cool, but I really would like the dst AS to reflect
the AS of the destination, not of the IP nexthop.

Is this possible?

Skeeve Stevens, RHCE     Email: skeeve at skeeve.org
Website: www.skeeve.org  - Telephone: (0414) 753 383
Address: P.O Box 1035, Epping, NSW, 1710, Australia

eIntellego - skeeve at eintellego.net - www.eintellego.net
I'm a groove licked love child king of the verse
Si vis pacem, para bellum

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