[c-nsp] 3560 vs 4948 for Datacenter / iSCSI

Max Reid max.reid at saikonetworks.com
Sat Jan 27 14:41:39 EST 2007

>> What about a pair of 3750s?  Might be a nice goldilocks option for you.
>> Otherwise, I'd probably go with the 3560s.  Spend the savings on some
>> nice
>> TOE cards.
> 3750 is basically 3560 + stacking. So there's no point in getting 3750
> unless you really need the stacking.

I understand that the underlying ASIC implementation  is very similiar if
not the same, but there are a couple of subtle differences that are useful
when building IP SANs.

3750 also has a model w/ 10Gbe, the 3560 does not.  Very helpful when
you're trying to minimize cable plant w/  10GbE storage arrays.

You can't do cross switch chassis link aggreagation with 3560s, AFAIK. 
This means you can achieve redundancy with only two interfaces on the
array and servers instead of using four.

With that in mind, Cisco should give us an additional option and build a
stackable 4948 :)


> Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug at nethelp.no

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