[c-nsp] Ingress Rate Limit on SVI - 6500 SUP720-3BXL

Simon Allard simon.allard at maxnet.co.nz
Thu Jul 12 17:41:11 EDT 2007

> > class-map match-any MATCH-COMBINED-ALL
> >   description Many any traffic
> >   match ip dscp 5
> >   match ip dscp 2
> >   match ip dscp 1
> >   match ip precedence 5
> >   match ip precedence 2
> >   match ip precedence 1
> Maybe not directly related, but I'm almost certain that's what you
> The IP Precedence is the top 3 bits of the DSCP field. That is prec 5
> dscp 40, prec 1 == dscp 8 etc.

Shouldn't matter for what I am trying to do, but I understand what you
are saying.

BGP Tables mark precedence labels in the CEF table based on a route-map.
In Theory when the packet comes into the SVI, it should look up in the
CEF table to see what it's been tagged with.

But the service-policy is not being used for some reason, hence the 0 as
the offered rate.

The reason I chose precedence is the 6500 platform will handle that in

I used DSCP bit for Egress traffic (traffic coming from the borders,
where they are DSCP tagged) and Ingress traffic (traffic going to the
borders), it should use the precedence tag.

This used to work fine on the 7500 platform (yes I am aware that the 2
platforms work differently) using qos-groups, but the 6500 won't handle
qos-groups in hardware.

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