[c-nsp] NTP Support Missing?

Buhrmaster, Gary gtb at slac.stanford.edu
Thu Nov 1 14:46:58 EDT 2007

> SNTP is basically a client mode only NTP. 

Well, yes and no.  A full SNTP implementation
even includes server functionality.  However,
most SNTP implementations are client only.
SNTP client mode is really more equivalent
to the unix 'ntpdate' program with some of the 
additional features of NTP such as authentication.
SNTP is really intended to be used at the leafs
of a domain (or, as a server if you absolutely
cannot get a better time source).  Between
SNTP clock adjustments, the time will slowly
drift, and there is no averaging/fudging/slewing
that NTP does to keep your local clock to
sub-millisecond accuracy all the time.  SNTP
is good enough for most logging purposes (and
Kerberos time requirements), and is obviously
much simpler to implement (which is why it
is popular in the low-end/embedded space).  

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